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Our project was born of the agreement three partner organizations: Eyes Wide Open -EWO- (United Kingdom); Stowarzyszenie Centrum Inicjatyw Naukowo-Kulturalnych (Poland) and Cume Foundation (Spain).


Eyes Wide Open was founded by a group of young people and has been facilitating workshops around social themes since 2006. The group is dedicated to supporting and facilitating the development of creativity, innovative thought and talent. In a context where much of
contemporary art remains abstract and difficult for people to appreciate and understand, Eyes Wide Open calls for a return to the link between art and beauty and simultaneously fosters an awareness of the benefits of cultural diversity and service.
The group creates educational workshops for people of all ages and abilities and aims to be a lively place for exchanging ideas and discussions, on art and culture whilst building up steady relationships between people in the local community and making art more accessible.
Our projects are collaborative in nature and all those who take part are given the opportunity to make, display and explain their work.


SCINK is a registered as a non-government, non-profit organization. Its aims to empower women of every age group, sector and race by providing personal enriching and professional, life-long training programmes. Within the last twelve years of its functioning, it has organized values orientation programs, soft skills workshop, and professional mentoring and coaching sessions particularly catered to women in the Zachodniopomorski Region in Poland. It has also organized youth exchange programmes with young people from Austria, Ireland and Italy. By providing a rich variety of non-formal educational platforms for learning life and people skills, we hope to empower and equip women with such key competencies such as effective time, task and risk management skills, communication and team working skills and people skills. Inspired by a strong sense of civic values and a keen community building agenda, we encourage all our beneficiaries to contribute to their immediate communities by providing a variety of volunteer and social outreach programmes.

Fundacion Cume para el Desarrollo de Culturas y Pueblos is a non profit organisation founded in 1995 to support those who need it most. We carry out  activities for social and cultural development for over 400 YP from the city and surrounding areas. We work in the following areas: equal opportunities; promotion of the family; promotion of marginalized groups (old people, immigrants, disabled people); fostering solidarity of those who need it most and cooperation with developing country.

In order to carry out these aims, our foundation carries out different social action projects. We have about 4000 beneficiaries (including our wider network around Spain) and 200 volunteers.   Young people have been leading and promoting activities under the organisation for the past 15 years. 

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